God cares about poor people. Rich people might be cruel to poor people. But God defends poor people. And Christians should help poor people too (Proverbs 22:22-23; Galatians 2:10; Matthew 11:5).

Eliphaz’s advice to Job

v17 But a man should be glad when God shows to that man his errors. Job, do not hate the discipline that God is teaching to you.

v18 God causes you to suffer. But he will also cure you. v19 He will rescue you if you have 6 terrible troubles. You will even be safe if you have 7 terrible troubles.

v20 When other people are hungry, God will save you from death. And in a battle, God will protect you from the swords of your enemy. v21 People’s words will not hurt you. You will not be afraid when terrible things happen. v22 You will laugh when other people suffer loss or hunger. You will not be afraid of dangerous animals. v23 You will have good crops. And wild animals will not cause problems for you. v24 You will be safe in your home. You will not lose anything that you own.

v25 You will have many children. And your grandchildren will have so many children that you cannot count them. v26 You will die at a good age. So, you will have a successful life, which will end at the right time. You will be like ripe grain at harvest.

v27 We have checked this advice and it is right. So, Job, listen to this advice! Do the things that I advise you.

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