Several *New Testament passages say that a vast number of *angels will come with Jesus. These passages are referring to the future time when Jesus will return to this world (Matthew 16:27; Matthew 25:31; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26; 2 Thessalonians 1:7).

The *angels are not there with Jesus to give a colourful impression. They are there in order to serve in God’s court of final judgement.

All people who have ever lived must attend the court to give account of their lives on earth. And then to receive judgement (John 5:22).

God has given authority to Jesus to be the judge (John 5:27-30).

Jesus separates all the people into two groups (Matthew 25:31-33).

There is no longer any difference between kings and their people. Or between masters and servants. Or between ranks. Or between classes. Or between churches. All the former differences will have ended permanently.

Jesus knows each person perfectly. There is a huge crowd in front of him. But Jesus can separate them into two groups without a mistake.

On his special seat of *glory, Jesus signals to his *angels where each person is to go. Into the group on his left. Or into the group on his right.

On that day, no genuine Christian will be out of sight in the mass of wicked people.

Nor will the cleverest of wicked people be able to hide in the mass of Christians.

• Jude repeats the word ‘wicked’ to emphasise that the fate of the false teachers is certain. And that the judgement is against every part of their lives.

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