This is Micah’s message. If he *prophesies any more, he will be wasting time. The evil rulers, traders and employers listen to the false *prophets. But they do not ask whether those *prophets are real *prophets or false ones. The employers do not ask who gave those *prophets authority to be *prophets. The employers only want to listen to *prophets who promise future happiness.

*Prophets should speak God’s message. But these people have refused to listen to Micah’s message. They do not want to know what God has said. They do not want to hear what they need to hear. These people want to hear things that please them. They want to hear about things that they really enjoy. The people want a God like this. They want God to give to them anything that they ask for. This includes things like wine and alcohol. So, this message from a false *prophet would please these people. They have said to Micah, ‘Do not talk to us about God. And do not tell us about what he wants.’

2:12-13 God preserves a *remnant in Zion (Jerusalem)

Together, verses 12 and 13 both tell us about an event. However, they do not just refer to one event. That same passage actually refers to two events. The first event is when Judah’s people return from Babylon. Later there will be another event. God will gather together all people that believe in Jesus the King. That will be when Jesus returns. The *prophets did not see when these events would happen. There would be a long period between the two events. The *prophets did not know that. But they could clearly see that the *Messiah would come. That gave hope to the people. It helped them stop their *sin.

v12 Yes, people from Jacob’s family, I will bring you all together. I will certainly bring together the whole *remnant of *Israel. I will put those people together like sheep in the pen. They will be like sheep in their own field. And the sound of many people will be in that place.

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