This is similar to verse 10. Many people think that small lies do not matter. Solomon does not agree with this idea. Solomon repeats the lesson, because it is important. God hates all lies.

v24 God directs a man’s life.

This is why nobody can understand his own life.

v25 When you promise to give a gift, think first!

Otherwise, later you will be sorry.

v26 A wise king acts as if evil men are like the wheat harvest.

He scatters them, and he drives a wheel over them.

v27 God sees a man’s spirit.

God can see the man’s secret thoughts.

v28 Love and truth protect a king.

Love will make his government safe.

v29 The best thing about youths is their strength.

Grey hair gives honour to old people.

v30 When a wound hurts, the bad part heals.

So a whip punishes and removes evil behaviour from a man.

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