Plentiful water can put out a fire. But nothing can put out love. Nothing can destroy real love.

Love is not something that a person can buy. It is a gift. One person gives it, without price, to another person. Or God gives it, without price, to us.

Love does cost something. It costs the person who gives it. It costs that person’s life. That is so, because the person gives his or her life to another person. When a person marries, that person does not still have complete freedom. That person cannot still do whatever he or she wants to do. If a husband and wife genuinely love each other, that will affect their whole lives.

And God’s love too was not without cost. It cost the life of his son, Jesus. He gave his life for us, because he loved us. And now he wants us to invite him into our lives. He wants to have the relationship with us that only his love could provide. We cannot earn that relationship and we cannot pay for it. But we can receive it, because he offers it to us as a free gift.

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