Paul urged Titus to continue what he had been doing. ‘Teach’ means to continue to speak about those things. Titus had to keep telling the Christians what God had done for them. He had to keep telling them how to behave in the right way. ‘All these things’ refers to 2:1-14.

1 He had to encourage Christians. This means that he had to be kind to them He had to help them and to urge them.

2 Titus, as a Christian leader, had authority that came from God. Some Christians believed the wrong things. They had probably listened to the false teachers. Some Christians behaved in the wrong way. Maybe some Christians still behaved in the way that they used to (1:12). Titus had to correct the people who were wrong. He had to be firm with them.

3 People had to respect Titus. He was teaching God’s message. He was behaving in the right way (1:7-9). This order may have been for the Christians who lived in Crete. Someone would have read Paul’s letter to them. Then they knew that they should respect Titus and his work. Paul gave similar orders to Timothy (1 Timothy 4:12).

gospel ~ the good news for everybody that God saves people from sin by Jesus Christ; the good news of the things that Jesus has done for us.
sin ~ (1) to do wrong against God or against other people; (2) the evil things that are in us.
sin ~ (1) to do wrong against God or against other people; (2) the evil things that are in us.
Saviour ~ Jesus, the person who saves us; the one who rescues; someone who will bring us back to God from the bad things that we have done; someone who saves us from the bad things that other people have done to us.
Lord ~ the name for God or Jesus in the Bible; it means that he is above all other things; a name that we use for Jesus; we use it when we obey him.
grace ~ a gift from God that we do not deserve; we cannot earn it; what God gives because he is generous and kind; the help and protection that God gives.
glory ~ the beautiful light round God. It shows how good and powerful he is.
grace ~ a gift from God that we do not deserve; we cannot earn it; what God gives because he is generous and kind; the help and protection that God gives.
glory ~ the beautiful light round God. It shows how good and powerful he is.
sin ~ (1) to do wrong against God or against other people; (2) the evil things that are in us.
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