Numbers 30:1-16

NUMBERS—NOTE ON NUMBERS 30:1 In a crisis people often make a vow: “If God delivers me from X, I promise to do Y.” There are many examples in the Bible (e.g., Genesis 28:20; 1 Samuel 1:11). There is a danger that when the crisis is over, the vow may not be fulfilled (see Deuteronomy 23:21; Ecclesiast... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 30:3-9

NUMBERS—NOTE ON NUMBERS 30:3 Until she marries, a WOMAN is under her father’s authority. If she makes a vow and her father objects, she will be forgiven for not carrying it out. If a woman under a vow gets married, her new husband can cancel her vow. Widows and divorcees are not subject to the autho... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 30:10-16

NUMBERS—NOTE ON NUMBERS 30:10 Vows a woman makes after marrying may be canceled by her husband as soon as he hears of them, but if he SAYS NOTHING they are binding (v. Numbers 30:14). If he later objects to the vows, he—not his wife—will suffer the penalty for breaking them. ⇐ ⇔ ⇒ var images = docu... [ Continue Reading ]

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