PROVERBS—NOTE ON Proverbs 31:1 The Sayings of King Lemuel. The word translated “oracle” (v. Proverbs 31:1) is the same as in Proverbs 30:1. As in Proverbs 30:1, some have preferred to see it as the name for a place called Massa (see note on 30:1–33). No one knows who Lemuel was, or where he was king. Most suppose that he was not an Israelite (which is consistent with the Aramaic spellings for son in Proverbs 31:2 and kings in v. Proverbs 31:3, and with the absence of Yahweh’s name from all the sayings). Verses Proverbs 31:2 describe the ideal human king: he is judicious personally (vv. Proverbs 31:3) so that he may protect others through justice (vv. Proverbs 31:5, Proverbs 31:9) and compassion (vv. Proverbs 31:6). This description runs contrary to ordinary experience, where power is often used to benefit the leader rather than those being led. If Lemuel was a ruler from outside Israel, then these verses underscore Proverbs 1:1’ teaching that all rulers are called upon to rule justly and are judged accordingly (compare Lady Wisdom’s comments in Proverbs 8:14).

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