REVELATION—NOTE ON Revelation 11:7 The great city that symbolically is called Sodom and Egypt is the site of the martyrs’ death and their Lord’s crucifixion. See also references to “the great city” in Revelation 16:19; Revelation 17:18; and five times in Revelation 18:10. In these instances “the great city” is called “Babylon,” which stands for Rome. In Revelation 11:8, however, the “great city” is Jerusalem. It is likely that John has merged Rome and Jerusalem here into one combined symbol. “The great city” is further identified symbolically (or “spiritually”; see esv footnote) as “Sodom,” a place known for its sinfulness and rebellion against God. It is also called “Egypt,” which was known for persecuting God’s people. “The great city” symbolizes every empire that rejects God and harms his church.

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