οὐκ ἔτι … ὑμῶν. “I will no longer speak much with you”; “temporis angustiae abripiunt verba,” Grotius. ἔρχεται … οὐδέν. “The ruler of this world” is Satan, see John 12:31. He “comes” in the treachery of Judas (John 13:27) and all that followed. But this coming was without avail, because ἐν ἐμοὶ οὐκ ἔχει οὐδέν, “in me he hath nothing,” nothing he can call his own, nothing he can claim as his, and which he can use for his purposes. He is ruler of the world, but in Christ has no possessions or rule. A notable assertion of sinlessness.

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Old Testament