What Jesus feared seems to have happened. The man went about telling of his cure, and neglecting the means necessary to obtain social recognition as cured. τὸν λόγον : “the matter,” A. V [3] Perhaps we should translate strictly the word, i.e., the word Jesus spoke: “I will, be thou clean”. So Holtz. after Fritzsche. So also Euthy. Zig. (διεφημίζε τὸν λόγον, ὃν εἴρηκεν αὐτῷ ὁ χριστὸς, δηλαδὴ τὸ θέλω, καθαρίσθητι, ὡς μετʼ ἐξουσίας γενόμενον). εἰς πόλιν : the result was that Jesus could not enter openly into a city, a populous place, but was obliged to remain in retired spots. This cure and the popularity it caused may have co-operated to bring Christ's synagogue ministry to an abrupt termination by stirring up envy. Jesus was between two fires, and His order to the leper, “Go, show thyself,” had a double reference: to the man's good and to the conciliation of the scribes and synagogue rulers. καὶ ἤρχοντο, etc.: and (still) they kept coming from all quarters. Popularity at its height. There is nothing corresponding to Mark 1:45 in Mt.

[3] Authorised Version.

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Old Testament