Luke 13:1-5

DOOM OF THE IMPENITENT Luke 13:1-5. _“And there were certain ones at that time announcing to Him concerning the Galileans, whose blood Pilate mingled with their sacrifices. And responding, He said to them, Do you think that these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans because they suffered t... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 13:6-9

THE FIG-TREE Luke 13:6-9. _“And He spoke this parable: A certain man had a fig-tree, which had been planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it, and found none. And he said to the vinedresser, Behold, three years during which I come seeking fruit on this fig-tree and find none; cut it d... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 13:10-17

THE RHEUMATISM OF EIGHTEEN YEARS HEALED Luke 13:10-17. “ _And He was teaching in one of their synagogues on the Sabbath. Behold_, _a woman having a spirit of infirmity eighteen years_, _and was bent over_, _and not able perfectly to straighten up_; _and Jesus seeing her_, _called to her and said_, _... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 13:18-21

THE MUSTARD-SEED AND THE LEAVEN Luke 13:18-21 “ _Then He said_, _To what is the kingdom of God like_, _and to what shall I liken it_? _It is like the seed of mustard_, _which a man_, _having taken_, _cast into his garden_, _and it grew and became a tree_, _and the fowls of the air lodged in its bra... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 13:22-29

ARE THE SAVED FEW? Luke 13:22-29. Our Savior answers the above question in the affirmative _i.e._, that the saved are few certainly a very alarming affirmation of our Infallible Lord. Shall you and I be numbered with those favored few? “ _And He was journeying through cities and villages_, _teaching... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 13:30

SALVATION OF THE JEWS Luke 13:30. “ _Behold_, _the last shall be first_, _and the first shall be last_.” The Jews had long stood at the front of the world. Because they rejected Christ they were relegated to the rear, the Gentiles coming to the front, where they are today. Yet we see from this, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 13:31-33

HE IS THREATENED WITH HEROD Luke 13:31-33. “ _In the same hour certain Pharisees came to Him_, _saying_, _Go out_, _and depart hence_, _because Herod wishes to kill Thee. And He Said to them_, _Going_, _tell that fox_, _Behold_, _I cast out demons_, _and perfect healings today_, _and tomorrow_, _and... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 13:34,35

WOES AGAINST JERUSALEM Luke 13:34-35. “ _O Jerusalem_, _Jerusalem_, _thou that killest the prophets_, _and stonest them that are sent unto thee_, _how frequently did I wish to gather thy children in the manner in which a hen doth gather a brood under her wings_, _and you were not willing_!” Jerusale... [ Continue Reading ]

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