Luke 3:10-14. “The multitudes continued to ask him, saying, What then shall we do? Responding, he says to them: Let the one having two coats. give to him having none; and let the one having food do likewise.” John was no shoddy preacher, daubing with untempered mortar. He preached a gospel which will stand the judgment fires. “Repentance unto remission of sins” was his constant theme. A Methodist circuit rider, on his first round, preached on repentance; on his second round, gave them repentance again; and so on till the year is half gone. The people, tired and bored, asked him: “Brother, can you not give us a new subject? We are tired of the old one.” “O yes; but I am just waiting on you to repent, and can't change my subject till you do.” He was right. All religion is shoddy and spurious without a true evangelical repentance, which is the only foundation. (Hebrews 6:1.) Now true repentance always makes people philanthropic doing unto others as we would have them do unto us. When man repents, God always forgives, witnesses to it by His Spirit, and fills the heart with that love which will always do good to others. John's doctrine is safe : “Repentance unto remission of sins,” R.V.; i.e., you are to repent until you are forgiven, the Holy Spirit bearing witness. “And the publicans came to be baptized, and said unto him, Master, what shall we do? And he said unto them, Exact no more than that which has been appointed unto you.” The publicans i.e., the Roman officers collecting the revenue had general notoriety for fraudulent exactions of more than their due, and rascality in their dealings with the people. John knew that a true repentance would settle all this crooked business, and settle it forever, which is true. O how we all ought to thank God for honest sheriffs, as I believe they generally are in this country! In the Old World, especially Asia and Africa, public fraud prevails to an appalling extent; e.g., in the corrupt Turkish Government, in the Holy Land this day, I am reliably informed that the sheriffry is sold to the highest bidder, the incumbent, instead of receiving remuneration from the Government, actually paying the Government for the privilege of serving in the office, and of course depending on theft and robbery for his entire remuneration. This is a simple item in the awful desolation which afflicts that land. Come, Lord, come quickly! Deliver Thy patrimony and a dying world from Satan's power! “And the soldiers continue to ask him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said to them, Oppress no one, defraud no one, and be content with your wages.” Military despotisms have been the scourge of the world in all ages, but the true grace of God, superinducing repentance unto remission, transforms the panoplied soldier into a messenger of mercy. Captain Webb, of the British army, was the first Methodist preacher in America. William Penn, an officer in the British army, became one of the sweetest preachers, whose lovely character ever adorned the Friends' Church.

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