For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free in respect of righteousness. What fruit therefore had ye then? Things of which ye are now ashamed; for certainly their end is death.

We must seek the counterpart of Romans 6:20, not in Romans 6:18, which belongs to a passage now concluded, but in Romans 6:22. In Romans 6:20, indeed, there begins the description of the consequences of the two services. The for bears on the exhortation contained in Romans 6:19 b It would be impossible to depict the degrading character of the former dependence in which his readers had lived, more keenly than the apostle does in the words: free in respect of righteousness. The conviction of what is righteous did not for a moment hamper them in their course of life. This was an annoyance which they did not feel! To use the expression of Scripture, they drank iniquity as one drinketh up water.

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