A Call for Purity in the Midst of Doctrinal Error

Some see believers in Christ living in a way completely dishonorable and reach the conclusion that there is something wrong with the church, or God's house. However, God's house has many different vessels in it that will all be used for God's purpose and to his glory. So, we should cleanse ourselves from every defilement, such as empty babblings, and be used by God for his glory and to our own. The Christian's purpose is to be a workman for God (2 Timothy 2:20-21; Ephesians 2:10).

Timothy, and all other Christians, were further warned by Paul against letting passions run wild. This, of course, could describe any type of unrestrained passion for power, sex, money, etc. Paul told him to pursue the ways of right living; be true to God's law, which is the way of faith; love for God and our fellow man; and live in peace with all others who are trying to do what the Lord wants and keep their hearts free from sin.

Timothy was also admonished to stay away from questions for which God did not reveal the answers. Disputes about such matters will only cause friction and division in the church (2 Timothy 2:22-23).

If one would help others to see the error of their ways, he would have to avoid involving himself in heated arguments. Instead, he would be compelled to exhibit the tender care of a nurse taking care of a sick child. Also, he would need to work to be a patient teacher who carefully listens to others and strives to more thoroughly instruct them. If the Lord's teacher will approach the false teachers with a gentle spirit and show them through teaching how they are acting against their own best interests, they might turn away from error and to the truth. Like a man who has been sleeping in an alcoholic stupor, the false teacher needed to wake up and escape the trap of Satan who had been holding this one captive to do his will (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

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