Acts 26:1-8

Paul Tells Agrippa About his Early Life Though Festus had the full authority of Rome behind him, it was Agrippa who told Paul he was permitted to speak. Paul stretched out his hand and began by saying he was happy to make his defense before the king, especially because Agrippa would have been famil... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 26:9-11

Paul's Description of His Actions as a Persecutor When Paul took actions to stop the teachings about Jesus and His followers, he was directed by his conscience. Just as Agrippa's family had pursued an end to the life of Jesus, Paul had pursued an end to the teachings of Jesus. Many of those set apa... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 26:12-18

Paul's Account of His Conversion and Life Following On his way to Damascus in pursuit of more Christians, Paul reported that he saw a great light, which was brighter than the sun, coming out of heaven at midday and surrounding the persecutor and his companions. After the group had fallen to the grou... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 26:19-23

Naturally, Paul could not disobey a voice from heaven, so he preached the gospel in Damascus and Jerusalem, both to the Jews and Gentiles. Notice, his preaching included the necessity of repentance, a turning toward God and living a life showing the works of repentance. Such preaching enraged the Je... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 26:24-32

Agrippa's Response Festus interrupted with a loud declaration that Paul had gone crazy from too much learning. It seems Paul's failure to defend himself, instead focussing on converting his judges, was incomprehensible to the governor. Paul responded with proper respect for Festus' position, simply... [ Continue Reading ]

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