Numbers 14 - Introduction

1 The people murmure at the newes. 6 Ioshua and Caleb labour to stil them. 11 God threatneth them. 13 Moses perswadeth God and obtaineth pardon. 26 The murmurers are depriued of entring into the land. 36 The men who raised the euill report, die by a plague. 40 The people that would inuade the... [ Continue Reading ]

Numbers 14:1-45

1 The people murmure at the newes. 6 Ioshua and Caleb labour to stil them. 11 God threatneth them. 13 Moses perswadeth God and obtaineth pardon. 26 The murmurers are depriued of entring into the land. 36 The men who raised the euill report, die by a plague. 40 The people that would inuade the... [ Continue Reading ]

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New Testament