Acts 18:1,2

19 The hill called the Areopagus (Latin, Mars' Hill), just a few steps above the Market Place, was a most fitting forum for the folly of God to defeat the wisdom of the world. At Rome Paul's weakness overcame the power of the world; at Ephesus he overthrew its religion; at Athens his foolish talk a... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 18:3-25

3 While in Thessalonica he had been supported partly by gifts from Philippi, but now he engaged in tentmaking as a means of. livelihood. During his early days in Corinth his heart was continually occupied with the saints from whom he had been severed, especially those of Thessalonica. He had sent T... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 18:26-28

26 Apollos' ignorance of the ministry of the Lord and His twelve apostles made it easy for him to receive the truth proclaimed through Paul, so that he became a great help to the saints in Corinth as well as an ardent and powerful exponent of the ancient Scriptures concerning the Messiah. What Paul... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament