Mark 6:1-17

35-37 Compare Luk_8:49-50. 38-43 Compare Mat_9:23-36; Luk_8:51-56. 1-4 Compare Mat_13:53-57; Luk_4:16-30. 1 On a former occasion (Luk_4:16) He had gone to Nazareth to speak, and found His old neighbors and friends actually hostile to Him, so that they sought to push Him over the precipice near wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 6:18-42

18 It was contrary to the plainest precepts of the law to marry the wife of a brother (Lev_18:16; Lev_20:21). This Herod was usually surnamed _ Antipas_, being the son of Herod the great and a Samaritan woman named Malthace. First he married a daughter of Aretas, king of Arabia, but he repudiated h... [ Continue Reading ]

Mark 6:43-56

43 To fully appreciate the import of this sign, it must be compared with a similar one which occurred some time later. The cumulative contrast cannot be fully seen in an inaccurate version, but is readily observed when it is noted that the numbers are confirmed by the kinds of "baskets" and that the... [ Continue Reading ]

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Old Testament