Acts 14:1

IN ICONIUM - See the notes on Acts 13:51. In this place, and in Antioch and Lystra, Timothy became acquainted with Paul and his manner of life, 2 Timothy 3:10. SO SPAKE - Spake with such power - their preaching was attended so much with the influence of the Spirit. AND ALSO OF THE GREEKS - Probabl... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:2

BUT THE UNBELIEVING JEWS ... - See the notes on Acts 13:50. AND MADE THEIR MINDS EVIL-AFFECTED - Irritated, or exasperated them. AGAINST THE BRETHREN - One of the common appellations by which Christians were known.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:3

LONG TIME THEREFORE - It seems probable that there were here no forcible or public measures to expel them, as there had been at Antioch Acts 13:50, and they therefore regarded it as their duty to remain. God granted them here also great success, which was the main reason for their continuing a long... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:4

WAS DIVIDED - Into parties. Greek: there was a schism - Ἐσχίσθη Eschisthē. AND PART HELD WITH THE JEWS - Held to the doctrines of the Jews, in opposition to the apostles. A revival of religion often produces excitement by the bad passions of opposers. The enemies of the truth form parties, and o... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:5

AN ASSAULT MADE - Greek: a “rush” - ὁρμή hormē. It denotes “an impetuous excitement and aggression; a rush to put them to death.” It rather describes a popular tumult than a calm and deliberate purpose. There was a violent, tumultuous excitement. BOTH OF THE GENTILES ... - Of that part of them w... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:6

THEY WERE WARE OF IT - They were in some way informed of the excitement and of their danger. AND FLED UNTO LYSTRA AND DERBE, CITIES OF LYCAONIA - Lycaonia was one of the provinces of Asia Minor. It had Galatia north, Pisidia south, Cappadocia east, and Phrygia west. It was formerly within the limits... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:8

AND THERE SAT - There dwelt, Matthew 9:16; Acts 18:11 (margin). The word “sat,” however, indicates his usual posture, his helpless condition. Such persons commonly sat by the wayside, or in some public place, to ask for alms, Mark 10:46. IMPOTENT IN HIS FEET - ἀδύνατος adunatos. Without any power... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:9

WHO STEDFASTLY BEHOLDING HIM - Fixing his eyes intently on him. See the notes on Acts 1:10. AND PERCEIVING - How he perceived this is not said. Perhaps it was indicated by the ardor, humility, and strong desire depicted in his countenance. He had heard Paul, and perhaps the apostle had dwelt partic... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:10

SAID WITH A LOUD VOICE - See the notes on John 11:43. AND HE LEAPED - See the notes on Acts 3:8. Compare Isaiah 35:6.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:11

THEY LIFTED UP THEIR VOICES - They spoke with astonishment, such as might be expected when it was supposed that the gods had come down. IN THE SPEECH OF LYCAONIA - What this language was has much perplexed commentators. It was probably a mixture of the Greek and Syriac. In that region generally the... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:12

AND THEY CALLED BARNABAS, JUPITER - Jupiter was the most powerful of all the gods of the ancients. He was represented as the son of Saturn and Ops, and was educated in a cave on Mount Ida, in the island of Crete. The worship of Jupiter was almost universal. He was the Aremon of Africa, the Belus of... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:13

THEN THE PRIEST OF JUPITER - He whose office it was to conduct the worship of Jupiter by offering sacrifices, etc. WHICH WAS BEFORE THEIR CITY - The word “which” here refers not to the priest, but to Jupiter. The temple or image of Jupiter was in front of their city, or near the gates. Ancient citi... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:14

WHICH, WHEN THE APOSTLES - Barnabas is called an apostle because he was sent forth by the church on a particular message (Acts 13:3; compare Acts 14:26), not because he had been chosen to the special work of the apostleship - to Dear witness to the life and resurrection of Christ. See the notes on A... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:15

AND SAYING, SIRS - Greek: Men. WHY DO YE THESE THINGS? - This is an expression of solemn remonstrance at the folly of their conduct in worshipping those who were human. The abhorrence which they evinced at this may throw strong light on the rank and character of the Lord Jesus Christ. When an offer... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:16

WHO IN TIMES PAST - Previous to the gospel; in past ages. SUFFERED ALL NATIONS - Permitted all nations; that is, all Gentiles, Acts 17:30. “And the times of this ignorance God winked at.” TO WALK IN THEIR OWN WAYS - To conduct themselves without the restraints and instructions of a written law. Th... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:17

NEVERTHELESS - Though he gave them no revelation. HE LEFT NOT HIMSELF WITHOUT WITNESS - He gave demonstration of his existence and of his moral character. IN THAT HE DID GOOD - By doing good. The manner in which he did it, Paul immediately specifies. Idols did not do good; they conferred no favors... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:18

AND WITH THESE SAYINGS - With these arguments. SCARCE RESTRAINED THEY THE PEOPLE - They were so fully satisfied that the gods had appeared, and were so full of zeal to do them honor.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:19

AND THERE CAME THITHER CERTAIN JEWS - Not satisfied with having expelled them from Antioch and Iconium, they still pursued them. Persecutors often exhibit a zeal and perseverance in a bad cause which it would be well if Christians evinced in a holy cause. Bad people will often travel further to do e... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:20

HOWBEIT - Notwithstanding the supposition that he was dead. AS THE DISCIPLES STOOD ROUND ABOUT HIM - It would seem that they did not suppose I that he was dead; but might be expecting that he would revive. HE ROSE UP ... - Most commentators have supposed that this was the effect of a miracle. They... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:21

HAD TAUGHT MANY - Or, rather, had made many disciples (margin). TO LYSTRA - Acts 14:6. AND TO ICONIUM - Acts 14:1. We have here a remarkable instance of the courage of the apostles. In these very places they had been persecuted and stoned, and yet in the face of danger they ventured to return. The... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:22

CONFIRMING - “strengthening” ἐπιστηρίζοντες epistērizontes. The expression “to confirm” as in some churches a technical signification, denoting “to admit to the full privileges of a Christian by the imposition of hands” (Johnson). It is scarcely necessary to say that the word here refers to no su... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:23

AND WIDEN THEY HAD ORDAINED - χειροτονήσαντες cheirotonēsantes. The word “ordain” we now use in an ecclesiastical sense, to denote “a setting apart to an office by the imposition of hands.” But it is evident that the word here is not employed in that sense. That imposition of hands might have occu... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:24

THROUGHOUT PISIDIA - See the note at Acts 13:14. THEY CAME TO PAMPHYLIA - See the notes on Acts 13:13. These places they had visited before.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:25

IN PERGA - See the notes on Acts 13:13. THEY WENT DOWN INTO ATTALIA - “Attalia had something of the same relation to Perga which Cadiz has to Seville. In each case the latter city is approached by a river voyage, and the former is more conveniently placed on the open sea. Attalus Philadelphus, king... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:26

AND THENCE SAILED TO ANTIOCH - See the note at Acts 11:19. FROM WHENCE THEY HAD BEEN RECOMMENDED ... - Where they had been appointed to this missionary tour by the church, Acts 13:1. TO THE GRACE OF GOD - His favor and protection had been implored for them in their perilous undertaking. FOR THE W... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:27

THEY REHEARSED ... - Acts 11:4. They related what had happened; their dangers and their success. This they did because they had been sent out by the church, and it was proper that they should give an account of their work; and because it furnished a suitable occasion of gratitude to God for his merc... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 14:28

AND THERE THEY ABODE - At Antioch. LONG TIME - How long is not intimated; but we hear no more of them until the council at Jerusalem, mentioned in the next chapter. If the transactions recorded in this chapter occurred, as is supposed, about 45 a.d. or 46 a.d., and the council at Jerusalem assembled... [ Continue Reading ]

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