Daniel 10 - Introduction

Analysis of the Chapter This chapter introduces the last revelation made to Daniel, and is “merely” introductory to the disclosures made in the two following chapters. The whole extends to the time of the coming of the Messiah, embracing a detail of the principal historical events that would occur,... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:1

IN THE THIRD YEAR OF CYRUS, KING OF PERSIA - In regard to Cyrus, see the notes at Isaiah 41:2. In Daniel 1:21, it is said that “Daniel continued even unto the first year of king Cyrus.” But it is not necessarily implied in that passage that he “died” then. It may mean only that he continued in autho... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:2

IN THOSE DAYS I DANIEL WAS MOURNING - I was afflicting myself; that is, he had set apart this time as an extraordinary fast. He was sad and troubled. He does not say on what account he was thus troubled, but there can be little doubt that it was on account of his people. This was two years after the... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:3

I ATE NO PLEASANT BREAD - Margin, “bread of desires.” So the Hebrew. The meaning is, that he abstained from ordinary food, and partook of that only which was coarse and disagreeable. NEITHER CAME FLESH NOR WINE IN MY MOUTH - That is, he lived on bread or vegetables. It is not to be inferred from th... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:4

AND IN THE FOUR AND TWENTIETH DAY OF THE FIRST MONTH - At the close of his season of fasting. Though he had not set apart this season of fasting with any view or expectation that it would be followed by such a result, yet there was a propriety that an occasion like this should be selected as that on... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:5

THEN I LIFTED UP MINE EYES, AND LOOKED ... - While he was engaged in devotion. What is here said would lead us to suppose that he had been occupied in deep thought and meditation, perhaps with his eyes fixed on the ground. BEHOLD, A CERTAIN MAN CLOTHED IN LINEN - One who had the form and appearance... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:6

HIS BODY ALSO WAS LIKE THE BERYL - There is a very striking resemblance between the description here given and that of the Saviour as he appeared to John in Patmos, Revelation 1:13. See the notes at that passage. It contains, however, no description of the appearance of the body. “Beryl” is “a miner... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:7

AND I DANIEL ALONE SAW THE VISION - That is, he only saw it distinctly. The others who were with him appear to have seen or heard something which alarmed them, and they fled. Who those men were, or why they were with him, he does not say. They may have been his own countrymen, engaged with him in th... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:8

THEREFORE I WAS LEFT ALONE, AND SAW THIS GREAT VISION - That is, I distinctly saw it, or contemplated it. He perceived, doubtless, that it was a heavenly vision; and as he had often been favored with similar manifestations, he remained to receive the communication which probably he understood was to... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:9

YET HEARD I THE VOICE OF HIS WORDS - What the angel said when he appeared to him Daniel has not recorded. He says Daniel 10:6 that the voice of his words was “like the voice of a multitude.” It is probable that those who were with him had heard that voice, and hearing it, and being struck with the r... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:10

AND, BEHOLD, AN HAND TOUCHED ME - The hand of the angel. Compare Daniel 8:18. WHICH SET ME UPON MY KNEES AND UPON THE PALMS OF MY HANDS - Not “upright,” as in Daniel 8:18. That is, he had not strength given him at once to stand erect, but he was partially raised up and enabled to move, though in a... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:11

AND HE SAID UNTO ME, O DANIEL, A MAN GREATLY BELOVED - That is, in heaven. Margin, as in Hebrew, “of desires.” See the notes at Daniel 9:23. UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK UNTO THEE - That is, attend to them, implying that he would be able to understand them. AND STAND UPRIGHT - Margin, as in H... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:12

THEN SAID HE UNTO ME, FEAR NOT - Be not alarmed at my presence; do not fear that your devotions are not accepted, and that your prayers are not heard. FOR FROM THE FIRST DAY THAT THOU DIDST SET THINE HEART TO UNDERSTAND - That is, by a season of extraordinary devotion. Daniel had devoted three full... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:13

BUT THE PRINCE OF THE KINGDOM OF PERSIA - In explaining this very difficult verse it may be proper (1) to consider the literal sense of the words; (2) to deduce the fair meaning of the passage as thus explained; and (3) to notice the practical truths taught. The word rendered “prince” - שׂר _s'ar... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:14

NOW I AM COME TO MAKE THEE UNDERSTAND ... - After these long delays, and after the arrangements have been made necessary to bring about the objects sought by your prayers. IN THE LATTER DAYS - In future times - extending down to the last period of the world. See the notes at Isaiah 2:2. FOR YET THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:15

AND WHEN HE HAD SPOKEN SUCH WORDS ... - Daniel was naturally overcome by the communication which had been made to him. The manner in which the prayer was answered seems to have been entirely different from what he had expected. The presence of a heavenly being; the majesty of his appearance; the ass... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:16

AND, BEHOLD, ONE LIKE THE SIMILITUDE OF THE SONS OF MEN TOUCHED MY LIPS - In the form of a man. The reference here is undoubtedly to Gabriel appearing to Daniel in human form. Why he does not name him is unknown; nor is there any intimation whether he changed his form as he now approached the prophe... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:17

FOR HOW CARD THE SERVANT OF THIS MY LORD - Acknowledging his humble and lowly condition and rank in the presence of an angel - a messenger now sent from heaven. NEITHER IS THERE BREATH LEFT IN ME - That is, he was utterly overcome and prostrate. He felt that he was incapable of speaking in the pres... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:18

THEN THERE CAME AGAIN, AND TOUCHED ME ... - The same one is here referred to doubtless who is mentioned in Daniel 10:16 - the angel. He came to him again in this condescending and familiar manner in order to allay his fears, and to prepare him to receive his communications with entire calmness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:19

AND SAID, O MAN GREATLY BELOVED - See the notes at Daniel 9:23. FEAR NOT - Neither at my presence, nor at what I have to say. There was nothing in the visitation of an angel that could be a ground of dread to a good man; there was nothing in what he had to communicate that could be a reasonable cau... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:20

THEN SAID HE, KNOWEST THOU WHEREFORE I COME UNTO THEE? - This was known by what the angel had said in Daniel 10:14. He seems to have called his attention to it, and to have proposed the question, because Daniel had been so overcome by his fright that it might be doubtful whether he had understood hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Daniel 10:21

BUT I WILL SHOW THEE WHAT IS NOTED IN, THE SCRIPTURE OF TRUTH - The word noted here means “written, or recorded.” The scripture of truth means the true writing, and the reference is doubtless to the Divine purposes or decrees in this matter - for (a) there is no other writing where these things wer... [ Continue Reading ]

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