Psalms 148 - Introduction

The author of this psalm is unknown. The occasion on which it was composed was probably the same as that on which the two previous psalms and the two following were written - each commencing and closing with a Hallelujah. That occasion was, most probably, as before remarked, the rebuilding of Jerusa... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:1

PRAISE YE THE LORD - See the notes at Psalms 146:1. PRAISE YE THE LORD FROM THE HEAVENS - On the part of the heavens. Let those who dwell in heaven begin the song. PRAISE HIM IN THE HEIGHTS - All that are in the heights; to wit, in the highest parts of the universe, or the heavens.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:2

PRAISE YE HIM, ALL HIS ANGELS - Dwelling in the heavens. Compare the notes at Psalms 103:20. PRAISE YE HIM, ALL HIS HOSTS - See the notes at Psalms 103:21 and the notes at Isaiah 1:9. All his armies - referring to the angels considered as marshalled into hosts, of which God is the Head and Leader.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:3

PRAISE YE HIM, SUN AND MOON - The most conspicuous and glorious objects in the heavens, as apparent to the eyes of people. PRAISE HIM, ALL YE STARS OF LIGHT - A poetical expression to denote bright or shining stars. The phrase embraces all the stars as they strike the eyes of people. Each one has s... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:4

PRAISE HIM, YE HEAVENS OF HEAVENS - Referring to the idea that there is one heaven rising above another. See the notes at Psalms 68:33. See 1 Kings 8:27 : “Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee.” Compare 2 Chronicles 2:6. AND YE WATERS THAT BE ABOVE THE HEAVENS - Genesis 1:7 :... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:5

LET THEM PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD - That is, Let them praise Yahweh himself - the name being often put for the person or thing referred to. FOR HE COMMANDED, AND THEY WERE CREATED - He showed his great power by merely speaking, and they came at once into being. Compare Psalms 33:6, note; Psalms... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:6

HE HATH ALSO STABLISHED THEM FOREVER AND EVER - He has made them firm, stable, enduring. That they may be eternal is possible; that they will not be, no one can prove. Matter, when created, has no necessary tendency to decay or annihilation; and the universe - the stars, and suns, and systems - whic... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:7

PRAISE THE LORD FROM THE EARTH - From among those who dwell on the earth. In respect to terrestrial objects, let these also unite in the praise of God. YE DRAGONS - On the meaning of this word, see Psalms 91:13, note; Isaiah 13:22, note. The word may mean a great fish, a whale, a sea monster, or a... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:8

FIRE, AND HAIL - Fire, when accompanied by hail; that is, the lightning. See Psalms 18:12. SNOW, AND VAPORS - Snow and clouds. It was not unnatural that these should be combined, or suggested together to the mind. STORMY WIND - The storm; the tempest. FULFILLING HIS WORD - Obeying his command; acc... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:9

MOUNTAINS, AND ALL HILLS - As being among the loftiest objects of earth, raising their heads highest toward the heavens. FRUITFUL TREES, AND ALL CEDARS - Fruitful trees, not as distinguished from those which are barren, but as distinguished from forest-trees, those whose nature is that they do not... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:10

BEASTS, AND ALL CATTLE - Wild beasts and tame; those which roam the forest, and those which have been domesticated for the service of man. As fruitful trees and cedars might include all the trees, so the “beasts and cattle” here might include the whole of those that were wild and tamed. CREEPING THI... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:11

KINGS OF THE EARTH, AND ALL PEOPLE - This would embrace all, as all are included in the idea of the rulers and the ruled. PRINCES, AND ALL JUDGES OF THE EARTH - Those of exalted rank; those high in authority. This is proper in itself considered, as they are people like other people; and proper as a... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:12

BOTH YOUNG MEN, AND MAIDENS - Those in the morning of life, just entering on their career; just forming their character: with ardor, elasticity, cheerfulness, hope; let them consecrate all this to God: let all that there is in the buoyancy of their feelings, in the melody of their voices, in their a... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:13

LET THEM PRAISE THE NAME OF THE LORD - Let them praise Yahweh - the name being often put for the person. FOR HIS NAME ALONE IS EXCELLENT - Margin, as in Hebrew, exalted. He only is exalted as God. See the notes at Psalms 8:1 : “O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!” HIS GLO... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 148:14

HE ALSO EXALTETH THE HORN OF HIS PEOPLE - He gives them power and prosperity. See the notes at Psalms 89:17 : “And in thy favor our horn shall be exalted.” Compare Psalms 92:10; Psalms 112:9. THE PRAISE OF ALL HIS SAINTS - That is, “he has raised up praise for all his saints;” or, has given them oc... [ Continue Reading ]

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