and that he was buried; and that he hath been raised on the third day according to the scriptures;

'was buried' -Another historical fact. This phrase points to the reality of Jesus' death. He didn't swoon upon the cross, He died! And as proof of that, they actually placed Him in. tomb. Even the enemies of Jesus admitted that He was dead. (Matthew 27:63)

Point to Note:

Excellent material concerning the "evidence" of the resurrection can be found in. book entitled, "Therefore Stand", by Wilbur M. Smith. The following quotes are just. sample of the good material to be found in this work:

'We know more about the burial of the Lord Jesus than we know of the burial of any single character in all of ancient history..We know who took His body from the cross; we know something of the wrapping of the body in spices, and burial clothes; we know the very tomb in which this body was placed, the name of the man who owned it..We know even where this tomb was located, in. garden nigh to the place where He was crucified, outside the city walls. We know minute details concerning events immediately subsequent to our Lord's entombment (p. 371)...In fact, we know more about what happened and what was said during the last week of His life on earth than we know about any other entire year of His life on earth....We know what He said to His disciples throughout Thursday of that week..the institution of the Lord's Supper that night, the agony of suffering in Gethsemane, the nature of the crowd that came out to arrest Him..and how He was betrayed with. kiss. We know of the five trials which Jesus underwent within the last eight hours..We know what men said to Christ, what they said against Him, and what He said to them. We know how the soldiers despitefully used Him; how the Sanhedrin bribed witnesses to condemn Him. We know even the name of an obscure person who carried His cross...Nothing here is what we might call mythical, or even "theological": it is all solid, definite, historical fact.. (pp. 360-361)

'The place is of geographical definiteness, the man who owned the tomb was. man living in the first half of the first century; that tomb was made out of rock in. hillside near Jerusalem, and was not composed of some mythological gossamer, or cloud-dust....The guards put before that tomb were not aerial beings from Mt. Olympus; the Sanhedrin was. body of men meeting frequently in Jerusalem. As. vast mass of literature tells us, this person, Jesus, was. living person,. man among men, whatever else He was. and the disciples who went out to preach the risen Lord were men among men, men who ate, drank, slept, suffered, worked, died. What is there "doctrinal" about this?. (p. 386)

'raised on the third day' -'On Sunday morning, for one reason or another, that tomb was empty, as everyone admits --Christian, unbeliever, disciple, scoffer, Jew and Gentile, conservative, and modernist.' (Therefore Stand p. 361)

Point to Note:

Most arguments presented to explain away the resurrection, i.e. the disciples stole the body, the Romans stole the body, the Jews stole the body, the swoon theory, etc....THEIR VERY EXISTENCE ALL ADMIT THE SAME TRUTH, I.E. THE TOMB WAS EMPTY!

'according to the scriptures' -(Isaiah 2:10; Psalms 16:10; Acts 2:23 ff) And Paul had often argued that the O.T. taught that the Messiah would die and be resurrected. (Acts 17:2)

HE WAS SEEN BY WITNESSES: 1 Corinthians 15:5-8

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Old Testament