Here, moreover, it is required in stewards, that. man be found faithful.

'Here' -'In this case' (NASV); 'In this matter' (Robertson p. 102); 'In this case therefore' (Willis p. 128)

'it is required' -lit., it is sought for (Vincent p. 205) 'In such case, it is further sought in stewards (to be sure) that one be found faithful.' (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 797) 'the first and final requirement is that they should prove trustworthy.' (Wms)

'faithful' -'in the true sense of that word: "worthy of the trust that has been placed in their care"). Not eloquence, nor wisdom (nor "initiative" nor "success"--our more standard requirements), but faithfulness to the trust..for Paul this means absolute fidelity to the gospel as he received it and preached it (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11).' [Note:. Fee p. 160]

'It was not expected of the steward that he would procure or provide; he was merely to distribute that which was provided by the master. The apostles were not philosophers burdened with the discovery and invention of truth, but were mere dispensers of truth revealed to them by God.' [Note:. McGarvey p. 67]

'The fact that one had the ability to use money to make more money was relatively unimportant if the steward was dishonest. The most important virtue of the steward was his fidelity..God does not require eloquence, results, etc...; He requires faithfulness.' [Note:. Willis p. 129]

Points to Note:

1. Therefore, none of the Apostles were "heads" of different schools of thought. They all taught the same gospel.

2. While many secular teachers are valued by how many books they author (publish or perish), or what "new ideas" they come up with. God's teachers are simply required to faithfully deliver God's truth. Preachers are not in the business of inventing new schemes of thought, rather, 'the preacher is God's messenger boy to deliver His word to man.' (Willis p. 129)

3. Other qualities in. preacher such as eloquence, style, presentation, enthusiasm, etc..can be helpful. And yet, without the quality of "faithfulness", they mean nothing! For all those wonderful qualities can't take the spiritual death out of false doctrine.

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Old Testament