For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in the brother: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

'sanctified' -first of all, we already know what this verse isn't teaching:

That marriage to. Christian automatically saves you. Verse 16 completely contradicts such. view, 'For how knowest thou,. wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband?'

Apparently we have. question posed by the Corinthians behind this verse, probably something like, "But doesn't. marriage to. pagan mate defile the Christian?" Or, possibly some Jewish Christians in Corinth were arguing that since God condemned intermarriage with unbelievers in the O.T. (Exodus 2:16; Deuteronomy 7:3; Joshua 2:14; and even commanded Israelites to put away heathen wives and children, Ezra 10:3; Nehemiah 13:30), that such laws were binding upon Christians married to unbelievers.

Points to Note:

1. "Sanctified" may simply mean that God recognizes such. marriage as being legitimate and right in His sight. 'Clearly he only means that the marriage relation is sanctified so that there is no need of. divorce.' (Robertson p. 128)

2. Many feel that the term means that in being married to. believer, the unbeliever finds themselves in. relationship in which the possibility for their salvation is present or. greater possibility, i.e. 'There is. greater chance that they can saved, because they are married to you and you are. Christian!' (1 Peter 3:1 ff) 'But from Paul's perspective, as long as the marriage is maintained the potential for their realizing salvation remains. To that degree they are "sanctified" in the believing spouse.' (Fee p. 300)

'else were your children unclean; but now are they holy' -at this point Paul might be taking "their argument" and drawing. logical conclusion. 'If as you say, Christian-unbeliever marriages aren't recognized by God, then the children of that union must be "unclean" (illegitimate?). But my view is, the marriage is recognized by God, hence, the children born of that relationship are holy.

But Paul also might be saying. 'If the believer departs (as you advocate), what will happen to the children? What will be their chances for salvation? But if the believer stays in the marriage, then the children have. good chance at being saved.'

'The constant day by day living with. marriage partner who is. Christian exposes the unbeliever to the word of God, to the influence of the Christian in living, to the circle of brethren in the church and their influence. That places the unbeliever in. better atmosphere, and. better position to be converted than would exist with most unbelievers.' (Barnett p. 23)

Before we move on we cannot lose sight of. very important point. The "believer" in such. marriage, needs to feel the great responsibility that rests upon their shoulders.. need to present the best face of Christianity that. can. Often,. am the only hope that this person has for being saved. The salvation of my spouse and my children often depends on whether. set. consistent example of faithfulness or not. Very often,. am the only contact with Christianity that this person has on. frequent basis.

Members in such marriages need to realize, that before another Christian can get in the door with this non-Christian mate, in the hopes of teaching them, the Christian mate must make. positive impression first.

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Old Testament