Outline 3:1-7:

Silent Preaching: 1 Peter 3:1-2

The Important Adornment: 1 Peter 3:3-6

Obligations Of. Husband: 1 Peter 3:7

Introductory Comments:

This section continues what was started at 1 Peter 2:11, ‘In the same way' (1 Peter 3:1). Just as Christians are to be in subjection to the civil authorities (1 Peter 2:13), servants in subjection to masters (1 Peter 2:18), wives are to be in subjection to their own husbands, even if that husband is an unbeliever. Some have wondered why the instruction here to wives is so much longer than the instruction to husbands (1 Peter 3:7). One thought is that when only one mate in. marriage became. Christian, the Christian woman with. non-Christian husband was often in. more difficult situation than the Christian husband with. non-Christian wife. Barclay notes: ‘if. wife became. Christian, while her husband did not, she had taken. step which in the ancient world was unprecedented…In every sphere of ancient civilization, women had no rights at all…It was the sign of. good woman that she must see as little, hear as little, and ask as little as possible. She had no kind of independent existence and no kind of mind of her own…The whole attitude of ancient civilization was that no woman could dare to take any decision for herself.' (pp. 258-259) ‘Aristotle writes that among barbarians (non-Greeks) women and slaves held the same rank; and though among the Greeks her position was not quite so degraded, they considered her as holding only an intermediate position between free persons and slaves, mother of her children, but not worthy to educate them, qualified to receive orders, but never to give them.' (Woods p. 86)

At this point. believe it is essential to note that neither the Old Testament or the New Testament views women as things, objects or slaves. Grand passages praise the worth of. woman (Proverbs 31:1), and places obligations upon husbands to love their wives (Deuteronomy 24:5; Ecclesiastes 2:9). It was pagan ideas that degraded the status of women. In like manner, pagan feminism has succeeded in placing. heavy burden upon women in our own culture. Now. woman must work two jobs (mother and career) in order to be viewed as being worth something by the pagan elements in our society.

In contrast the Bible greatly elevates the status of women. ‘But what was probably surprising to the original readers is that here in. seemingly traditional ethical section wives are addressed at all. In that society women were expected to follow the religion of their husbands; they might have their own cult on the side, but the family religion was that of the husband….he addresses them as independent moral agents whose decision to turn to Christ he supports and whose goal to win their husbands he encourages. This is quite. revolutionary attitude for that culture.' (Davids pp. 115-116)

In this section we learn another truth: Being in subjection (everyone is in subjection to something-i.e. 1 Peter 2:13), is. tremendous responsibility. It isn't. degrading position, rather, to be in subjection from the right motives is quite an art, it is. role that only can be filled by those with great character.. tremendous amount of good and influence can be generated by someone who demonstrates godly submission.


Duties Towards Our Brethren: 1 Peter 3:8

Blessing Instead Of Retaliation: 1 Peter 3:9

How To Love Life And See Good Days: 1 Peter 3:10-12

How To Handle Suffering: 1 Peter 3:13-17

The Example of Jesus: 1 Peter 3:18-19

The Significance Of Baptism: 1 Peter 3:20-22

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Old Testament