“For they that sleep, sleep in the night: and they that are drunken are drunken in the night”

“They that sleep”: The unbelievers. “Night is the sleeper's time for sleeping, the drunkard's time for drinking” (Knox). Paul's point in this verse may be that, “In contrast with this rightful attitude (1 Thessalonians 5:6), men of the world are spending the night in two ways. Either they are asleep, utterly indifferent to the coming judgment, or they are indulging in drunken revelry, excited and interested indeed, but absorbed in what is base and unworthy” (Erdman p. 64). Paul is not saying that sleeping at night is wrong, rather the "darkness”, “night" (spiritual darkness) is the wrong place for the Christian, for people in spiritual darkness are either indifferent to spiritual things or they are engaging in immoral activity.

Carefully note that not only will God condemn the immoral person (the drunkard, fornicator, and so on, Galatians 5:21), but God will also condemn the person who just did not care (2 Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 3:16).

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Old Testament