“Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily”: The idea here is to lay hands upon. person for the purpose of public recognition. In the context, this could mean either, do not be rash in bringing charges against an elder or do not be rash in appointing men to the office of an elder. Often the expression “laying hands upon” refers to the later, that is, in the sense of appointing someone to. work (Acts 6:6; Acts 13:3; 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6).

1 Timothy 5:22 “Too hastily”: That is, too quickly, too easily, with. suggestion of rashness and inconsiderateness. This means that the church cannot be too careful in the men that are appointed to the office of an elder. The connection with the immediate context appears to be that if Timothy makes sure the right men are selected to serve, the problems associated with elders that continue in sin can be greatly reduced.

1 Timothy 5:22 “Thereby share responsibility for the sins of others”: First, accepting unsupported accusations against an elder would be sharing in the sins of others. We may not bring the accusation, but giving our approval to it, or doing nothing, makes us accomplices. The same would be true if Timothy yielded to peer pressure and appointed. man who was unqualified but who some in the congregation really wanted to serve. If Timothy appoints an unqualified man then Timothy is partly responsible for the wrong that such an elder will commit. “If we ordain. man to the office of elder who is known to be living in sin, or to cherish dangerous error, we become patrons of his sin and of the heresy” (Barnes p. 186).

1 Timothy 5:22 “Keep yourself free from sin”: Notice the stress on the term “yourself”. The preacher cannot always prevent others from sinning, but he certainly can keep himself pure. Appointing pure men to the office of an elder will ensure that Timothy remains pure in the process. Compare this verse with those who seek to justify their own failures by saying that every Christian sins every day and in fact we are probably committing sins constantly that we do not even realize.

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Old Testament