"And he entered into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, reasoning and persuading as to the things concerning the kingdom of God"Entered into the synagogue" (Acts 17:2). "Spake boldly" "Speaking out boldly" (NASV). "Spoke confidently" (Gspd). "Imperfect middle, kept on at it for three months" (Robertson p. 313). Speaking with confidence is. sign that one is not ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16). Unfortunately, about the only thing that some religious bodies boldly proclaim anymore is that we need to agree to disagree, agree that no absolute truth exists, agree that one interpretation is just as good as another, and agree that we are all going to heaven. Speaking with boldness includes proclaiming only one way of salvation (Acts 4:12), that absolute truth does exist (John 17:17), and that all the matters relating to our salvation can be known with certainty (John 8:32). We need more Christians who are willing to speak the gospel with boldness. Please note that the world speaks its message with absolute confidence, and various human denominations are being very bold in condemning those who say homosexuality is. sin. The advocates of error are very confident and aggressive in their teachings. In such times, the last thing the Church needs to do is "tone down" its emphasis on what constitutes true doctrine (2 Timothy 4:2).

The following letter is. practical example of the "boldness" of those who proclaim the world's values. It was written by. "pastor" of the United Methodist Church: "Your kind of doctrinal religion has always been the curse of the earth. It has been my experience that persons like you have no interest in God or the Bible except to pervert both into something hateful and indecent. Homosexual persons are created by God. Their sexual orientation is given just like your was, and is entirely natural to them. Our churches have used the Bible to cause people to be afraid of homosexuality. The strangest thing is that all this condemnation is false and based upon assumptions about the Scripture. am glad that our citizens will finally figure out who the 'wolves' really are and treat you like the hateful zealots you are" Acts 19:1

Acts 19:8 "For the space of three months" Apparently many of these Jews were initially interested in his message (Acts 18:30). "Reasoning and persuading as to the things concerning the kingdom of God" Paul did not appeal to subjective or emotionally based arguments, rather he argued from the O.T. Scriptures, citing and arranging passages, building his case, helping the Jews understand how various passages had been fulfilled in the life of Jesus (Acts 17:2). Notice the word "persuading". Preaching is more than just. "presentation". The aim of all preaching is to persuade men and women to serve God (2 Corinthians 5:11). Thus true gospel preaching will always convict, get under your skin, prick your conscience and appeal to what you know is the right thing to do. While we cannot force people to become Christians, at the same time that does not mean that we do not "push". The "pressure" that Paul put upon people was the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12). "The kingdom of God" Philip had also preached about this topic to the Samaritans (Acts 8:12). Paul would have been telling people and proving from the O.T. and N.T. events that the Kingdom of God was. spiritual kingdom. Hopes of an utopian earthly reign of the Messiah, were false hopes and. misinterpretation of the O.T. (Psalms 110:1). Jesus presently rules as King on David's throne (Acts 2:29), and over this kingdom. The Kingdom of God is the same relationship known as the Church. People purchased with the blood of Christ are members of this Kingdom (Acts 20:28; Revelation 1:5). The Kingdom of God cannot be entered by mere physical birth. Even those of Jewish ancestry must be born again (John 3:5), and if Paul is preaching to Jews about the Kingdom of God, then evidently Paul believes that such. Kingdom is presently in existence and can be entered.

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Old Testament