But ye denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for. murderer to be granted unto you,

'BUT YE DENIED'-Even when Pilate was determined to release Jesus, and when he gave them. choice between Jesus and. murderer. The 'But ye', is in contrast to the actions of Pilate.

'HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS ONE'-And one many of them knew to be Holy and Righteous.

'AND ASKED FOR. MURDERER TO BE GRANTED UNTO YOU'-'thus demanding both the condemnation of the innocent and the acquittal of the guilty.' (Stott p. 92) (Matthew 27:21; Mark 15:7; Luke 23:12)

Again, Pilate the pagan and hated Roman Governor, appears in. better light than those in the crowd. For Pilate assumed that the crowd would logically choose Jesus to be spared instead of the murdering revolutionary Barabbas. On that day, by their actions, the Jewish crowd had said that Jesus was worse than. murderer.

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Old Testament