"I explored with my mind how to stimulate my body with wine while my mind was guiding me wisely, and how to take hold of folly, until. could see what good there is for the sons of men to do under heaven the few years of their lives."I explored with my mind" -Indicating shrew and prudent human wisdom,. very careful examination. Solomon didn't become. drunk, rather he shrewdly and cleverly attempted to find the ultimate balance, that fine line between what the world calls excess and having. good time. "a consumption of wine which enables. man to get the highest possible enjoyment by. careful use of it, so that appetite is sharpened, enjoyment enhanced, and the finest bouquets sampled and enjoyed" (Leupold p. 60). "though deliberately and with restraint, not blindly or in uncontrolled excess….He wanted to test the effects of pleasure-seeking and frivolity to see if they were really worthwhile" (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 981).

"while my mind was guiding me wisely" -The wisdom being used wasn't Divine wisdom, but rather, the best wisdom available "under the sun", human wisdom at its best. Solomon knew that his fine wines could prove deadly to him (Prov. Ecclesiastes 23:29-35), he knew that he was playing with fire. Even though Solomon never became an alcoholic, for. while he was addicted to such things. It's just that, like many worldly and successful people, Solomon simply moved from one addiction to another. He was addicted to the quest of finding happiness in physical things-a greater addiction than being addicted to any one thing. Solomon's use of wine no more justifies social drinking among Christians then his harem justifies polygamy among Christians.

"how to take hold of folly" -which could be "harmless nonsense". This could include being the class clown, cutting up, being. prankster, and playing practical jokes on others. The type of person who is joking all the time.

"until. could see what good there is" -Any "new" thing seems to offer the promise of genuine happiness. It takes awhile to "see" this new thing (to us) is just like all the old things. Like everything else under the sun, it can only offer happiness for the moment. Solomon tired all the latest fads of his time and found them all the same---unable to deliver lasting happiness. Whether it is hang gliding, scuba diving, snorkeling, skiing, or snow boarding, …they are all the same.

Point To Note:

The same principle applies to human innovations in religion. Among our liberal brethren, various individuals think they have found the ultimate religious experience in having. praise team sing during services or having. religious drama as part of the worship service. But next year, something else is going to be needed to give them the same "high". Unfortunately, some people never "see" the rut they have dug for themselves as they try one "new" thing after another, always thinking that this year they have found the ultimate religious experience. This year, their faith finally has some meaning because they have found something "new"!

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Old Testament