"Two are better than one because they have. good return for their labor."better" -There is something 'better' then the poverty of the loner. All too often friendships and real companionship, and. good marriage is sacrificed by those frantically wanting to get to the top. Whatever the outward success of the man in Ecclesiastes 4:8, companionship, friendship, or. good marriage is wealth that is far greater.

"they have. good return for their labor" -The good return or reward seems to be explained in the following verses. In addition, what is the use of having wealth or nice things, if you can't share it with anyone.

Point To Note:

But be impressed that friendship has. price tag! "The thoughts are simple and direct; they apply to many forms of partnership, not least (though not explicitly) to marriage. With graceful brevity they depict the profit, resilience, comfort and strength bestowed by. true alliance; and these are worth setting against the demands it may make of us. Such demands are not explicit here, but there would hardly be the need to set out the benefits of partnership if it involved no cost. Its obvious price is. person's independence: henceforth he must consult another's interest and convenience, listen to another's reasoning, adjust to another's pace and style, keep faith with another's trust" (Kidner p. 50). In other words, the price of real and true companionship is unselfishness! Proverbs 18:24.

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Old Testament