"Do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought to bring up. matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on the earth; therefore let your words be few."Do not be hasty in word" -(James 1:19), which would include insincere and careless prayers. Prayers which are more rote than. genuine expression of the heart (Matthew 6:7). Worship, including prayer isn't to be verbal doodling! "Be in no hurry to speak" (Jerus). God doesn't exist to be. verbal punching bag for mankind and neither is He some giant cosmic complaint department. Some people seem to think that it is spiritual to question God's wisdom, justice and why He lets certain things happen in this world. Solomon notes, God isn't impressed by people who rashly accuse Him of wrongdoing, who question His righteousness, or blame Him for the evil in this world. God is. giver of good gifts (James 1:5; 1 John 1:5). Job found this out the hard way (Job 38:1ff).

"or impulsive in thought" -God deserves respect! God deserves prayers which have some real thought behind them, God deserves intelligent worshippers, people who really have something to say. Everyday God has selfish, superficial and ignorant people praying to Him. At least let's give Him something pleasant to hear! In addition, some people seem to think that sitting around and speculating is being spiritual. Carefully note that impulsive, on the spurn of the moment worship has. poor track record in the Scriptures (Lev. Ecclesiastes 10:1-3;. Samuel 15). In addition, God always deserves to have people think the very best about Him and the manner in which He governs this world. But why is it, when something bad happens that we immediately blame Him? Why do we insist on putting the worse possible interpretation on the way He is governing this world? God isn't impressed by people who praise Him one moment and who curse Him the next.

"God is in heaven" -Realize your "place". God is God and you are not! You come to praise him, you come to worship Him, you come to please Him-and not visa versa. Worship tends to become corrupted when men forget that they are the worshippers and not the object of worship. Our worship services must never become nothing more than. fan club for. popular speaker or singing group. But how many "worship services" in the religious world have become nothing more than. parade of special guests, or "in praise of men and human innovation", rather than in praise of God? Like the Pharisees, many religious people want to be the object of praise (Matthew 6:1; Ecclesiastes 23:1ff).

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Old Testament