Here is. plea for mercy from his friends. They did not need to persecute and attack him, for God was already doing. good and thorough job. "And are not satisfied with my flesh?" It seems like his friends are like wild animals and will settle for nothing less than his flesh."Just after Job was at his lowest ebb, he rose to his highest peak. Forlorn, wracked by pain, and maligned by both God and people, he then mounted in spirited confidence to. future vindication of his cause. This is. magnificent burst of faith" (Bible Knowledge Comm. p. 741). "But it is just here, when everything is blackest, that his faith like the rainbow in the cloud shines with. marvelous splendor" (Zuck p. 88). "This chapter is. skyscraper among the forty-two Chapter s of Job that form the beautiful skyline of this poetic masterpiece" (p. 84).

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Old Testament