
I. Final Exhortations: Philippians 4:1-9

A. To stand firm in the Lord: Philippians 4:1

B. To be united: Philippians 4:2-3

C. To rejoice in the Lord: Philippians 4:4-5

D. To trust completely In God: Philippians 4:6-7

E. To mind and do the right things: Philippians 4:8-9

II. Final expression of Thanks: Philippians 4:10-19

III. Final Greetings: Philippians 4:20-23

“Paul once more expresses his joy and pride in his Philippian friends and encourages them afresh to be steadfast in their Christian life (cf. Philippians 1:27). More particularly in the present context he encourages them to be steadfast in resistance to those influences against which he has just warned them--influences that would undermine their Christian stability” (Bruce p. 137). “A certain general order of thought is being followed even in this informal, friendly epistle. Paul first writes of his personal experiences in Rome, and then adds certain pertinent exhortations to his readers. He next mentions the plans of Timothy and Epaphroditus, who are sharing his imprisonment, and then warns the Philippians against the evil influence of certain men of. very different character. He now turns to mention the names of certain individuals in the Philippian church, and to urge them to live in Christian harmony” (Erdman p. 131). Even in this very positive and upbeat letter, we have warnings against false teachers and not standing firm. Philippians 4:1 infers that the Christian can lose their salvation, if not, why even give the warning? In addition, the true message of Christianity is never so positive that it eliminates all negatives. Christian joy is not gullible and neither does it have its head in the clouds.

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Old Testament