1 Thessalonians 5:27 avdelfoi/j {A}

Instead of toi/j avdelfoi/j a variety of witnesses, followed by the Textus Receptus, read toi/j a`gi,oij avdelfoi/j (ac A K P Y 33 81 614 1739 Byz Lect it61 vg syrp, h, pal copbo goth arm ethpp al). While it is possible to account for the reading toi/j avdelfoi/j on the supposition that a`gi,oij fell out accidentally because of homoeoteleuton, the Committee regarded the shorter reading as original because (a) the expression oi` a[gioi avdelfoi, occurs nowhere else in Paul; (b) the probability of the accidental omission of a`gi,oij is not so great as the probability of its being added from a`gi,w| in the previous verse; and (c) the weight of the external testimony supporting the shorter reading (a* B D F G 431 436 1311 1835 1907 2004 itd, g, mon copsa ethro Ambrosiaster Ephraem Pelagius Cassiodorus) is slightly superior to that which supports the longer text. The reading toi/j a`gi,oij (1984 1985 Theophylact) is secondary, having arisen from an oversight in transcription.

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Old Testament