The tone of these concluding Chapter s is so very different from that of all that precedes them, that though it is impossible to doubt that both came from the same pen (only two or three of the wildest critics have ever alleged the contrary), yet probably some interval took place between the time when the preceding portion was written and that of these three Chapter s. Perhaps also disquieting news may have come from Corinth of the growing influence of the hostile party, rendering it necessary, as he was so soon to return to it (2 Corinthians 12:14, and Act 18:9-10). And he ‘was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision,' but ‘dwelt there a year and six months, teaching the Word of God among them.' Thus consolidated and trained, the Church of Corinth became, of all the churches which owed our apostle, the most important as well as most numerous embracing within itself not only the little daughter-church of Cenchreae ( restate the same method and movement of redemption as a reconciliation of those who were aliens, but who are now, through Christ, at peace with God and in fellowship with His people. (For further details, see the analysis of the sections.) As both these contrasts present the carrying out of the Father's electing love through the Son, we prefer to give this chapter the above heading.

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Old Testament