2 Thessalonians 1:10. To be glorified in his saints. The saints are ‘the risen and glorified company of believers,' in whose glorified bodies and perfected spirits the influence of Christ becomes visible. Christ will be glorified in His saints when His power and goodness become apparent through them. As a teacher is glorified in his successful pupils, a commanding officer in his well-disciplined and serviceable troops, so Christ is glorified in those who are renewed by His Spirit and redeemed by His grace. In the last day there will be an assemblage and exhibition of the fruits of Christ's work which may be very difficult to conceive beforehand, but which will be to all a true revelation of Him. It will show irresistibly to all what He truly is, and will manifest all that has been silently and secretly working from the seed sown in His first coining.

To be admired in all them that believe. If this clause be a strict parallelism in thought as it is in expression to the preceding, then it declares that Christ will be admired or wondered at, because of those who have believed in Him. Their numbers may be so great, their attainments so considerable, their fidelity so well-tried and constant, their belief itself so unlikely, as to reflect admiration cm the object of their faith. The person who has been able to evoke from characters so various a faith which no worldly force has been able to subdue, cannot but be an object of amazement to all who witness this faith. The men who might seem most competent, men of masculine character, of lofty intellect, of rare natural purity, men of genius and of extensive influence, have all needed to lean upon this one Person; and it needs only to be recognised that He is supporting the faith of the greatest as of the least of men, and admiration and amazement possess us.

Because our testimony to you was believed. This clause is inserted that the Thessalonians may more distinctly connect themselves with the company of believers, and feel the personal reference of the preceding prediction.

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Old Testament