Luke 20:36. For neither can they die any more. The correct reading (‘for') introduces the reason they do not marry: there is no more death, hence no more birth. If then all the dead are raised and die no more, the same is true of unbelievers. But in the case of those directly spoken of their altered nature is introduced as a reason why they cannot ‘die any more:' for they are equal unto the angels. They are distinguished from the angels, but like them are immortal.

And are sons of God. A second proof that their nature is such that they cannot die: they are not simply sons of God in the moral sense, but are essentially ‘partakers of the divine nature,' and hence free from death.

Being sons of the resurrection. Into this state they pass, this change of nature takes place, at the resurrection. And the same change will occur in believers living at that day (1 Corinthians 15:51-54). Comp. Romans 8:18-23.

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Old Testament