Mark 12:29-31. Mark quotes Deuteronomy 6:4-5; Leviticus 19:18, more fully than Matthew. Notice the briefer readings adopted in the foot-notes.

With all thy strength. This probably refers to moral energy; but it is not necessary to discriminate accurately, as is suggested by the variations of the different passages. (The Septuagint employs a different word of similar import)

There is none other commandment greater than these. The unity of the moral law prevents any discrimination between its precepts: it is one law of love, the hinge (Matthew 22:40) of the whole O. T. revelation. There can be none greater. No one can love God without loving his fellowmen, and no one can truly love man without loving God. The former is the source of the latter. Hence the first table (the first five commandments) enjoins love to God, the second table (the last five commandments) love to our neighbor.

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Old Testament