Matthew 27:51. The vail of the temple, etc. The vail before the Holy of Holies, separating it from the Holy Place. This may have been a result of the convulsion mentioned in the next clause, but the accounts do not indicate this. Supernatural agency is more than probable in view of the significance of the occurrence. This took place toward the time of the evening sacrifice. Even if at first known only to the priests, it would still be made known to Christians, since ‘a great company of the priests' were afterwards converted (Acts 6:7). It was ‘a sign of the removal of the typical atonement, through the completion of the real atonement, which insures us a free access to God, Hebrews 6:19; Hebrews 9:6; Hebrews 10:19.'

And the earth did quake. The earthquake and the events mentioned next, are peculiar to Matthew's account. Here, too, miraculous power is most probable. This was a token of the greatness of the death of Christ, a sign, too, of the influence of His death upon the destiny of the earth itself.

And the rocks were rent. The effect of the earthquake, splitting the foundations of the holy city. A sign of wrath, but more than this. Travellers still point to extraordinary rents and fissures in the rocks in the neighborhood.

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Old Testament