Contents: David's rebuke and repentance. Birth of Solomon. Ammonite victory.

Characters: God, David, Nathan, Bathsheba, Joab.

Conclusion: If the believer, brought face to face with his sins sincerely confesses and repents of them, he may be restored to fellowship, although God will not interfere with the consequences in this life, 2 Samuel 12:1.

Key Word: Confession and restoration, 2 Samuel 12:13.

Strong Verses: 2 Samuel 12:13; 2 Samuel 12:22; 2 Samuel 12:23.

Striking Facts: God always has His man for His work and while it may cost the man nights of pain and prayer to deliver the message of Christ he may be sure that if God sent him, his message will accomplish its purpose. A dogmatic message is truer and more tender than soft speeches that do not arouse conscience.

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