Contents: Pilate brings Jesus before the multitude. The rejection of the Savior and the crucifixion. His entombment.

Characters: Jesus, Pilate, soldiers, Jesus' mother, His aunt, wife of Cleophas, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, Nicodemus.

Conclusion: Only Scripture itself can conclude this scene. Isa. 53 (whole chapter).

Key Word: Crucifixion, John 19:18.

Strong Verses: John 19:4; John 19:17; John 19:18; John 19:30.

Striking Facts: The death of Jesus fulfilled every sacrificial ceremony of the Old Testament. He was the «passover lamb.» As the blood of the Old Testament sacrifice was sprinkled seven times (Numbers 19:1-10), so there was a seven-fold sprinkling of the blood of Jesus in His crucifixion. 1. Scourged John 19:1. 2. Thorns John 19:2; 3 4. Each hand pierced. 5 6. Each foot pierced. 7. The spear thrust John 19:34.

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