Contents: Final conquest of Canaan.

Characters: God, Joshua, Jabin, Jobab.

Conclusion: Those who, through obedience to His precepts, have God on their side, need not be disturbed as to the number and power of their enemies. «More are those that are with us than those that are against us.»

Key Word: Delivered, Joshua 11:6; Joshua 11:8.

Strong Verses: Joshua 11:6; Joshua 11:23.

Striking Facts: As Israel, at first forwarded by miracles, and now left to make their own way, so the war carried on against Satan's kingdom was at first advanced by special miracles, but being sufficiently proved by them to be of God, we are now left to the ordinary assistance of divine Grace in Christ in the use of the Sword of the Spirit and need not look for hailstones nor the standing still of the sun.

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