Contents: Jesus heals a leper, the centurion's servant and Peter's wife's mother. Professed disciples tested. Stilling of the waves. Casting-out demons at Gadara.

Characters: Jesus, leper, centurion and his servant, Peter's mother-in-law, two men of Gadara, disciples.

Conclusion: Jesus is the divine Son of God, sovereign over all physical ailments, over all circumstances, over the powers of nature, over the evil emissaries of Satan and over sin (Matthew 9:5). Faith takes Him at His word and finds rest and deliverance at all times in His Word of power.

Key Word: Sovereign Christ, Matthew 8:17; Matthew 8:27.

Strong Verses: Matthew 8:13; Matthew 8:27.

Striking Facts: Matthew 8:29. Men may deny the deity of Christ, but demons know better. His divine Sonship is proven amply by the demonstration of His power in all spheres. He was not only Son of God, but Son of Man (Matthew 8:20; Matthew 8:24) and having been subjected to ail human testings, He became a perfect sacrifice and substitute for the believer on the Cross.

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