Soldiers [σ τ ρ α τ ι ω τ α ς]. Heavy - armed footmen : legionaries.

Spearmen [δ ε ξ ι ο λ α β ο υ ς]. Only here in New Testament, and not in classical Greek. From dexiov, right, and lambanw, to take. The exact meaning is uncertain. Some explain it as those who take the right side of the prisoners whom they have in charge; others, those who grasp (their weapon) with the right hand; others, again, those who hold (a second horse) by the right hand. They are here distinguished from the heavy armed legionaries and the cavalry. They were probably light - armed troops, javelin - throwers or slingers. One of the principal manuscripts reads dexiobolouv, "those who throw with the right hand."

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Old Testament