Here the apostle resolves the case, whether it were lawful to buy that meat in the market which had been offered to an idol in the temple.

He determines, 1. That it was; if it be sold in the shambles, it is to be looked upon as common food, and they may freely buy it without any scruple of conscience.

But how came meat to be sold in the shambles, which was offered and sacrificed in the temples of the Gentiles?

Answer, It is probable that the priests, who had. share in the beasts that were offered unto idols, or the people, who had also. share returned them out of their own offerings, did bring such meat to be sold in the market: in this case, says the apostle, ask no questions about it.

Observe, 2. He assigns the reason for it: because the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof. That is, those things that are sold for food in the market, are to be looked upon as the creatures of God, made for, and sanctified to, the use of man; and therefore you may eat of any creature which the Lord provideth for your food, without scruple of conscience, when others are not scandalized at it. 1 Timothy 4:4. Every creature of God is good, if received with thanksgiving.

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Old Testament