Observe here, 1. Our apostle's description of. carnal unregenerate state; it is. state of spiritual death.

2. Of. Christian's renewed state by the Spirit of Christ, it is. state of spiritual life; we are passed from death to life.

3. Here is the mark and token by which this translation from death to life may be known, namely, by love; for love being the great work of God's renewing spirit on the soul, it is by the production of that, we come to the knowledge that we are changed from. Cainish corrupt state of death, into. state of holy life: Whatever grace men pretend unto, if they want this grace of love, they are yet dead in sin.

Observe, 4. The characteristical note of that love which will be an indubitable evidence of this our translation from death to life, it must be. love of the brethren; that is, of all Christians, as such; particularly it must be an extensive and universal love, that reaches all the children of God, all good men, of what judgment and opinion soever, otherwise it is the love of. party only, and. love for opinion sake, not for grace-sake, We give thanks since we heard of your love to all saints: Colossians 1:4 that is, to all of what nation and kingdom soever, of what estate and condition soever, of what judgment and opinion soever, though differing from you in some lesser things.

It must also be an holy love that will evidence our Christianity; though all men must be loved as men, yet the brethren must be loved for the likeness of God in them, we must love God's holiness in holy persons: it is one thing to love the brethren, and another to love them as brethren, and because they are brethren;. gracious person may be loved only for carnal respects, and sinister ends; again, it must be active and operative,. costly and expensive love; that cheap love of some men, which will wish. poor Christian well, but will be at no pains, no cost, or expence, to help and succour him, because they love their money better than they do their brother, is the hypocrite's love, not the saint's. If. brother or. sister be naked, and we say unto him, Be thou clothed, &c. James 2:15 this is. cold sort of love, which will profit neither our brother nor ourselves.

From the whole learn, That the love of grace in another, is. good evidence of the life of grace in ourselves; unfeigned love to the children of God as such, is an undoubted evidence of our regeneration and adoption; We know that we are passed from, &c.

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Old Testament