Here our apostle further declares how we are made meet for the inheritance of heaven, and delivered from the power of darkness, namely, by our redemption in Christ from sin, Satan, death and wrath; by. price paid by the Mediator, to the justice of God his Father. In whom we have redemption, that is, the fruit and benefit of Christ's redemption, which eminently consists in remission of sin.

Note here, 1. The deplorable state into which the whole race of mankind was brought by sin, namely,. state of slavery, and spiritual captivity unto sin; redemption supposes this; slaves and captives need. Redeemer, none else.

2. That there was no delivery from this slavery, but by. price paid down to the justice of God: Redemption is. delivery by ransom and price.

3. That no other price did, or could redeem us from our miserable captivity, but the blood of Christ; we have redemption through his blood.

4. That although Christ did pay this ransom unto God, and not to Satan, whose enslaved captives we are, yet, by virtue of the ransom paid, we are delivered from Satan's slavery, and sin's dominion; when God the judge was once satisfied, Satan and the gaoler had nothing to do to detain and keep us any longer in prison.

5. That forgiveness of sin, or. full and final discharge from sin's guilt, and from all obnoxiousness to God's wrath, was one special fruit of Christ's redemption; he died to deliver us from the wrath of God, and from the rage of our lusts too, otherwise he had but sealed us. patent to sin with impunity.

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Old Testament