Our apostle having showed, in the preceding verses, how, and after what manner, the Levitical priests executed their office, he comes now to declare how, and after what manner, Christ, our great High Priest, did also execute his.

And, 1. As the Levitical priests had. tabernacle, and earthly sanctuary, to officiate in; so Christ had. greater and more perfect tabernacle to execute his office in, namely, that of his own body, not like theirs, made with hands, but miraculously formed in the virgin's womb, by the overshadowing power of the Holy Ghost; in which tabernacle the fulness of the Godhead dwelt substantially.

The human nature of Christ was that tabernacle in which the Son of God administered his sacerdotal office in this world, and wherein he continueth yet to do so in heaven by his intercession.

And well may his tabernacle be called greater, being so not in quantity and measure, but in dignity and worth; and more perfect, that is, more perfectly fitted and suited to the end of. tabernacle, both for the inhabitation of the divine nature, and the means of exercising the sacerdotal office, in the making atonement for sin, than the other was.

Learn hence, That the human nature of Christ, in which he exercised and discharged the duties of his sacerdotal office in making atonement for sin, is the greatest, most perfect and excellent ordinance of God, far excelling those that were most excellent under the Old Testament. The glory of this tabernacle of our Saviour's body in heaven, will be the object of holy admiration unto all eternity, as it was admirably fitted and perfected for service and usefulness here on earth.

Observe, 2. The apostle declares, That as Christ had. more excellent tabernacle, so he was incomparably. more excellent High Priest than ever the legal dispensation had; they entered the holy of holies, He entered heaven; they entered often, He but once; they entered with the blood of goats and calves, He in his own blood. And the effect, fruit, and benefit of it was unspeakable: Thereby he obtained eternal redemption for us.

Note here, That where as it is said that Christ entered into heaven with his own blood, it is not so to be understood, as if he carried the material blood which he shed with him into heaven, in. vessel or otherwise, as the high priest carried the blood of the sacrifice in his hand into the most holy place; but that Christ presented his body in heaven, out of which the blood was shed, and, by the merit of his death, made expiation for sin, and purchased eternal redemption for sinners.

Learn hence, That the entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ, as our Great High Priest, into heaven, to appear in the presence of God for us, and to save thereby to the uttermost was. matter so great and glorious, that it could not be accomplished but by his own blood. No other sacrifice was sufficient to this end; not by the blood of bulls and goats.

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Old Testament